Target is disk with radius 0.6cm and thickness 0.1cm. Why in the _sum.lis file Volume equals to 1 ? Here are .inp and _sum.lis files.
photonuc_21_sum.lis (2.2 KB)
photonuc.inp (1.7 KB)
Target is disk with radius 0.6cm and thickness 0.1cm. Why in the _sum.lis file Volume equals to 1 ? Here are .inp and _sum.lis files.
photonuc_21_sum.lis (2.2 KB)
photonuc.inp (1.7 KB)
Dear Sergey,
FLUKA does not calculate the volume of regions automatically. If you want the normalization included in the FLUKA results, you need to manually specify the volume on the RENUCLEi card using the field Vol [WHAT(6)].