HI FLUKA experts:
I am a new FLUKA user on MAC OS Catalina, and I come up with some problems.
When I try to install FLUKA, the .tgz seemed unpackaged successfully but It not possible for me to set the environment with “export PATH=$PATH:/Users/j.m./fluka4-1.1/bin”.After I type in the above command, then try “source ~/.bashrc”, it feedback with “no such file or dictionary”.
Also, when I try to install the FLAIR, after I type the “alias flair=’/Users/j.m./flair-3.1/flair” ,then I open a new terminal and type"$flair", nothing feedback , and the flair doesn’t open either.
If I type in “PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 /Users/j.m./flair-3.1/flair”, bug reports as “No module named 'matplotlib" but I believe I have stored the matplotlib successfully.
Sorry for bothering you, and I would be thankful if anyone could help.