Dear FLUKA Experts,
I’m trying unsuccessfully to install and run FLUAK and FLAIR on a Linux Workstation.
Please see screenshot showing the Debian version.
I’m suing putty to connect to the workstation from my windows PC.
Using the “tar -xvf ” command, I extracted the “.tgz” file in my home directory since I cannot install the “.deb” version (Based on specifications form my IT Office). Hope this is correct.
For FLAIR, the “tar xzvf …” DID NOT work for me? except that I had to drop the “z”. I don’t know why but it seemed to have been successfully isnatlled as shown on screeshot.
When I try to open FLAIR by just typing “flair” on the command line, it says “command not found”. So I’m wondering if I could actually run FLAIR via this method? If not what another alternative?
Lastly, why do i get the message that “Error: /home/grads/z/zavier.ndum/fluka4-4.0/bin/fluka does not exist or it is not executable!” when I try to run an input file from the command line?
Please, kindly advise.