Installing FLAIR, FLUKA and Running on Linux Workstation

Dear FLUKA Experts,

I’m trying unsuccessfully to install and run FLUAK and FLAIR on a Linux Workstation.
Please see screenshot showing the Debian version.

I’m suing putty to connect to the workstation from my windows PC.

  1. Using the “tar -xvf ” command, I extracted the “.tgz” file in my home directory since I cannot install the “.deb” version (Based on specifications form my IT Office). Hope this is correct.

  2. For FLAIR, the “tar xzvf …” DID NOT work for me? except that I had to drop the “z”. I don’t know why but it seemed to have been successfully isnatlled as shown on screeshot.

  3. When I try to open FLAIR by just typing “flair” on the command line, it says “command not found”. So I’m wondering if I could actually run FLAIR via this method? If not what another alternative?

  4. Lastly, why do i get the message that “Error: /home/grads/z/zavier.ndum/fluka4-4.0/bin/fluka does not exist or it is not executable!” when I try to run an input file from the command line?

Please, kindly advise.



Dear Zavier,

  1. Two steps remaining after the extraction:
    a. Run the make command in the src directory
    b. Add the /home/grads/z/zavier.ndum/fluka4-4.0/bin directory to your PATH variable

  2. Don’t worry the z option is for decomposing the files, sometimes it is done automatically during the download. The output of the process looks ok.

  3. Check if the directory to the Flair executable is in the PATH variable.

  4. See point 1.


Dear David,

Thanks for the swift response.

I followed your instructions and FLUKA and FLAIR seems to be installed correctly.

Also, I succeeded to run FLUKA from the command line.

But with FALIR after I finish the run, I’m unable to plot/visualize the results.
See photos.

Please advise.

Everything seems fine now. I just had to install “gnuplot” on the terminal.

Thank you so much.
