Issue with CT DICOM import

Dear FLUKA and FLAIR users,

We are using im my team a CT device that does not generate standardized DICOM images in CT number/HU unit. I want to import the images to run a simulation with a poly-energetic source (between 10 and 118keV photons).
I am having an issue with DICOM images I have generated myself from a python code (and pydicom).

In the DICOM tab, I am importing my dataset but I can not see it with the DICOM viewer. However, I can generate a .vxl file with the “Voxel” tool and a successful output message (cf screenshot). But then in the geometry tab, the material is assigned to “error”.

The only log I have comes from my unix console where this message is displayed:

e> ERROR: Invalid voxel file. Data size do not match
VOXEL Title: Chambre RaySafe,
nx=300 ny=300 nz=1
dx=0.005 dy=0.005 dz=0.005
Dx=1.5 Dy=1.5 Dz=0.005
nregions=183 nvoxels=459
ERROR wrong data length=600 expected=180000
ERROR reading voxel file “test.vxl”

Do you know what is this issue? Is there a way to get more log information? Is there another way to generate a .vxl file (1.3 MB)


Thank you for your help,
test.vxl (16.9 KB)
Mars_PMMA_Center.flair (7.0 KB)
histogram_114kVp_HVL_5.48mmAL_Sampling_0.8keV.txt (1.6 KB)
source_newgen.f (18.8 KB)

Hi @prodesch
it seems that the Number Of Frames in each dicom slice is set to 1, which is not consistent with the actual dicom slices you have 10

Thank you for your answer.
Indeed, I looked in DICOM attributes and the Number Of Slices was incorrect.
I have modified it as well as the slice location, but keeping the Number Of Frames to 1 and it worked.
However, the viewer is not fully working, I can not change the window Center and width, would this be related to the input DICOM image that still has missing attributes?

histogram_114kVp_HVL_5.48mmAL_Sampling_0.8keV.txt (1.6 KB)
Mars_PMMA_Center.flair (5.9 KB)
source_newgen.f (18.8 KB)
test.vxl (830.1 KB) (1.3 MB)

Remove the NumberOfFrames as this defines a multi-framed image (3D) while your dicom is a a series of 2D slices