Issues with downloading version 3.1 flair

Dear experts,
After I downloaded and installed the latest version of FLAIR, it seems that I can’t run the software normally. Is it because my FLUKA version doesn’t match FLAIR? Do I need to download the latest version of FLUKA?

Dear Junjie,

yes, Flair 3 is only compatible with FLUKA released by CERN.
You can download the latest version from


Dear expert,
I tried to download the latest version of FLUKA on this webpage, but it always showed errors after I logged in. How to solve this problem?

Dear Junjie,

did you have complete Step 2 on Registration for downloading FLUKA | The official CERN FLUKA website ?

If yes, then your account has to be manually approved. Plus, it will take some time to propagate the access right to the download page.


Dear expert,
Excuse me, do you mean that the account I use to log in to FORUM and the account I use to download FLUKA are not the same one? Do I need to re-register a new account on the webpage you mentioned?

Dear Junjie,

The account is the same, so you don’t need to do Step 1 again.

You only need to do Step 2 and fill out the form for asking access for FLUKA.


Dear expert,
I clicked the second step according to your statement, but after entering, I still need to log in. I can’t log in with my account, and “invalid username or password. login is required” is always displayed. What should be done?


CERN is presently changing the authentication interface. For the moment, we still have to use the old interface for some applications (registration) and the new interface for others (forum, download).

In order to proceed with the registration, please try to reset your password under the following link:

Important: this password change will only be recognized for the registration. Later for the download or for the forum, you should still be able to use your original password.

I am sorry for this procedure but we hope that the migration to the new interface will be completed in the coming months.

Best regards,

I entered my email address in the link you mentioned, but it directly shows that the account does not exist. Is there something wrong?

Dear expert,
I changed my password in “Guest access”, but it still shows error 401 after logging in. Now, I can only log in through “Guest access”, but after logging in, it shows an error, and logging in through other portals shows that the account number or password is invalid. What should I do? :sob:

Dear expert,
Could you help me look at the following questions?

Dear Junjie,

We can try to solve this problem offline (I already replied to you when you submitted the same question using the contact form on Please contact me per email.

Best regards,

Dear expert,
I have replied to your email. Have you received my reply?