Lattice Defects


I want to create a 80%Silicone/20%Germanium 10x10x0.4 mm³ box 80%Silicone/20%Germanium (Simulation of beam induced lattice defects of diamond detectors using FLUKA - ScienceDirect Section 3.1). I’ve used the RPP, but I’m not sure what to use for the xmax, ymax, and zmax values.
Also, should the file be opened as basic, void, or lattice?

Hello, the unit of length in FLUKA is cm, hence for your RPP box with a 10mm span in the X-direction you can set Xmin = -0.5 and Xmax = 0.5, the same goes for Y and Z axes if you want to have the box centered on the geometric zero point. Can you clarify what you mean by your last question about opening the file as basic, void or lattice? What file do you mean?



Thanks Andreas,

I’m trying to read the find the information in the Flair manual that talks about what the different options mean when opening a new Flair project. I’m wondering about which option I should choose from: basic, decay, empty, heavy-ions, lattice, void, or voxel. Step 2 from the Flair tutorial (Official flair site) used the ‘basic’ option, but since I want to study lattice defects, I wonder if I should choose ‘lattice’.

These different options you are referring to are templates which can be used as starting point to build a FLUKA input file. In Flair you can then add extra physics cards or further edit the geometry to your liking. The ‘lattice’ option refers to the functionality in FLUKA that can copy a subcomponent of the geometry several times, hence it does not refer to the lattice defects you want to study. I believe for your purposes the ‘basic’ template should suffice, in here you can include the RPP body representing your diamond detector and also include the proper physics and beam cards.

To quantify lattice defect related quantities such as dpa I can refer you to some previous discussions on the forum on dpa calculation and residual gas production. Hope this is helpful!
