Hi, I was ccomputing the neutron, photon, and proton spectra comparison between PHITS and FLUKA for a very simple accelerator geometry. While neutron spectra agreed between two codes, there was a mismatch in photon and proton spectra at low energies (<1 MeV) for photons and higher energies (~100 MeV) for protons. The target I used was Cu and shielding was 1 m thick concrete. The incident beam was 300 MeV/u Ca-48. I am att
Fluka_Input_Geom1.inp (5.9 KB)
aching the input file of Fluka and physics setting for PHITS as well as the graphs.
[ T i t l e ]
Computation of dose map and particle track; Inside and outside a 1 m thick concrete shielding
[ P a r a m e t e r s ]
icntl = 0 # (D=0) 3:ECH 5:NOR 6:SRC 7,8:GSH 11:DSH 12:DUMP
rseed = -1
maxcas = 1.00E+03 # number of particles per one batch
maxbch = 2000 # (D=10) number of batches
maxbnk = 10000000
mdbatima = 3000
emin(1) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.0) cut-off energy of proton (MeV)
emin(2) = 1.000000000E-10 # (D=1.0) cut-off energy of neutron (MeV)
dmax(2) = 20.0000000 # (D=emin(2)) data max. energy of neutron (MeV)
emin(14) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of photon (MeV)
dmax(14) = 1000.00000 # (D=emin(14)) data max. energy of photon (MeV)
emin(15) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of deuteron (MeV)
emin(16) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of triton (MeV)
emin(17) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of 3He (MeV)
emin(18) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of Alpha (MeV)
emin(19) = 1.000000000E-03 # (D=1.d9) cut-off energy of Nucleus (MeV)
esmin = 1.000000000E-06 # (D=0.001) min energy for charged particle range
e-mode = 2 # (D=0) 0: Normal, 1: Event generator mode
itall = 1 # (D=0) 0:no tally at batch, 1:same, 2:different
negs = 1 # (D=0) =1 EGS photon and electron
irqmd = 1 # JQMD-2.0 for nuclear reactions
nspred = 2
nedisp = 1
iMevperU = 1
file(6) = phits.out # (D=phits.out) general output file name
file(7) = C:/phits/data/xsdir.jnd
file(20) = C:/phits/XS/egs