Dear experts,
I am trying to set several Cartesian beams, as shown in the figure. I have set one parallelepiped block beam successfully with a BEAM and two BEAMPOSit cards in the below .flair and .inp. I tried to use source_newgen.f to change the center of the beam, but failed. Could you please tell me how to define two and more CART-VOL beams?
The source_newgen.f routine doesn’t take into account the volumetric source definitions in the input file, you need to set up the coordinate samplings in the code as well.
To have multiple volumes, you can have a random variable to select between them and set the limits of the samplings accordingly.
Dear Dávid,
Thanks for your suggestion. I have found the solution from the previous reply to the other user. Plane source using source_newgen.f I modified the coordinate_x and used the FLRNDM function to set 2 cube volume beams.