NaI(Tl) Detector Error 2

Dear Fluka Team, I have read all the previous conversation about NaI but I didn’t get any idea from the previous conversation to solve the error.

After running the simulation gives “error 2” for Plotting. How to remove this error.? and how to do normalization for plotting ??

Question No.1: Actually, I want to compare our efficiency measurement of NaI(Tl) for Gamma Spectroscopy experimental result with fluka simulation.

Question No.2: If I want to compare Cs137 at distance 4cm then how i will do this data in fluka.??

Doing simulation for this Result

The FLUKA Files
NaI(Tl)001.err (22.4 KB)
NaI(Tl).out (1.9 KB)
NaI(Tl).inp (3.5 KB)
NaI(Tl).flair (3.7 KB)

Dear @sp18s6ba028,

It’s not clear what you exactly mean by “error 2” when plotting. However, from the Plot tab of Flair I see that for the data from USRBDX on output unit 22 you have entered the commands sqrt($1*$2)):3:($3*($4/100.) in the normalization field for the ordinate.

If you wish to plot the histogram in iso-lethargic units, please remove the above as it is sufficient to select <X>Y instead of Y.

For radioactive sources I point you to the latest lecture on activation and radiation protection:


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Dear Expert,

I have read your provided pdf but sorry to say I didn’t understand this slides because I’m a beginner.

Actually, I want to calculate NaI(Tl) detector efficiency at 4cm with Cs-137, kindly tell me which scoring estimator i will use to calculate the detector efficiency with (Cs-137, at distance of 4cm ) from the end of the detector.

Dear Zeenat @sp18s6ba028,

The position of the primary source is controlled by the BEAMPOS card. In general, there is no single solution to calculate detector efficiencies, but having a look at the DETECT card can be a good start.

Specifically since you are a beginner, I encourage you to learn from the full material from FLUKA Beginner Courses (Courses and events | The official CERN FLUKA website), and freely navigate the Forum for similar posts.

You are always welcome to ask questions if something from the course material is not clear.


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Dear Davide Bozzato,
I am sorry for non-sense question previously and now I have learn the manual related to our work and really helped me a lot as you said.

Basically, I want to calculate NaI detector efficiency for radioactive sources (Ba-133, Cs-137 and Co-60) with different distances (4cm, 8cm, 12cm and 16cm).

Now, I have used the DETECT and simulate Co-60 at 16cm away from the detector and got some out put result from NaI_01001.out file that shown. Is this result 6.7913E-04 in snap show the detector efficiency?

Kindly, check the flair file.
NAI.inp (3.5 KB)
NAI.flair (4.6 KB)

No, as it is written in the summary table, it is amount of energy escaping the system, expressed in GeV.

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