Dear Fluka experts,
I apologize in advance for my bad English.
I’m experiencing problems with my simulation, specifically at low energy, which aims to determine the LAC of the material. However, when performed below 2e-05 GeV, the fluence after the sample is null when analyzing the sum.lis to determine the LAC. I tried to fix these problems with the EMFCUT cards.
I have attached my .flair file.
Thank you very much for any help!
test_shielding.flair (3.5 KB)
Dear Murilo Silva,
thank you for your question! I may propose you some suggestion that will probably solve your problem.
1 The penetration depth of 10keV photon beam in the metal oxide compound is really small, so only negligible number of particles may escape the 1 cm large sample, mostly reflected ones.
2 The USRBDX card setting should be adjusted to the beam energy, so you can see energy spectrum
3 Pay attention, that for your geometry USRBDX cards will score all particles entered the sample and all particles escaped. It will provide you rather with data on particle reflection, than particles penetrated sample
3 USRBIN scoring can be also useful for the LAC estimation.
4 Region for the EMFCUT card set the range of regions to which it should be applied, it is not flux direction sensitive, so the second EMFCUT card is not needed. Also, you do not need EMFCUT PROD-CUT card if you do not want to set production threshold different to the transport threshold level.
Probably some additional comments on what Fluka output you are supposed to use for the LAC estimation will help me to provide more specific information.
Kind regards,
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Dear Illia Zymak,
I greatly appreciate your suggestions. I will conduct the necessary tests based on the suggestions, and get back to you with the results.
Kind regards,