FLUKA team,
I think I have found a bug in flair when using flair 3.1-7 with the card function.
I have seen it with RPP’s and ROT-DEFI’s.
The following image is the flair screenshot of the correct flair line.
Then after saving the flair file, quiting, and relaoding the flair file, I see the following:
You see that what.6 becomes what.7 . The what.4 is the same. The text of the line when the error appears is:
ROT-DEFI LINend 200, 0 ‘=-3532.36419588inch+card(point,LIN_end,1)’, '=1146.131inch+card(point,LIN_end,3)’
Saving,quitting, and reloading, and the what.7 becomes what.8 and an extra comma apprears
If I put a 0 in for the y coordinate instead of leave it blank, it seems to solve the problem.