(Xiang Kong)
22 February 2022 06:17
Not sure if this falls in this category.
I am trying to duplicate a paper simulation for Lu-177, just a surface source of 2.5mm diameter sphere.
While my simulation results the dose drop-off seems much quicker than the paper.
I run some point source and seems mean range and max penetatrion are shallower.
I attached my code and wondering did I set something wrong?
Lu177Surface.flair (2.2 KB)
Lu177Surface.inp (1.8 KB)
(Xiang Kong)
22 February 2022 16:16
I also simulated a point source in water, the max range seems off (less than 1mm). Really confused on what the problem is.
Lu177MeanMax.flair (2.2 KB)
Lu177MeanMax.inp (1.6 KB)
(Xiang Kong)
23 February 2022 22:02
I simulate a 497keV electron isotropic source, which is the mean beta energy for Lu-177 decay. The result is very similar to the publication. But the Lu-177 simulation is off. Is something wrong here?
(Xiang Kong)
24 February 2022 13:26
It seems like the Fluka decay scheme for Lu-177 is not correct.
I had an earlier thread and now I sampled the beta spectrum and it seems the Fluka data is wrong.
Not sure if this falls in this category.
I am trying to duplicate a paper simulation for Lu-177, just a surface source of 2.5mm diameter sphere.
While my simulation results the dose drop-off seems much quicker than the paper.
[Lu177 .25 Surface 1D]
I run some point source and seems mean range and max penetatrion are shallower.
I attached my code and wondering did I set something wrong?
Lu177Surface.flair (2.2 KB)
Lu177Surface.inp (1.8 KB)
Betas from 177Lu (6.734 d 12)
Eb endpoint (keV) Ib (%) Decay mode
176,98 12.2 7 b-
248,63 0.053 22 b-
385,35 9.1 13 b-
498,3 78.6 11 b-
(Francesco Cerutti)
27 February 2022 11:15
the Lu-177 decay data in FLUKA is actually correct, as indicated by the resulting spectrum (thanks to @pschoofs )
where the peaks are photons and the background, extending towards the ~500 keV endpoint, is due to electrons. Note that the energy you took above is in fact the endpoint of the ~80% emission, which is not at all representative of the spectrum, being three times higher than the respective mean beta energy.
(Xiang Kong)
27 February 2022 13:53
Thank you so much, really appreciate.
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