Problem with flair-geoviewer installation

FLUKA experts,

I’ve tried to install flair-geoviewer-3.3 from flair website

and I already done for 1-2 step from this

The result from step 3 is

show some error,

What should I do next?

Many thanks,

Dear @nattaporn ,

I assume that you have followed the preliminary steps to install Flair/geoviewer on Mac under the section “Mac OsX”

I believe your error was addressed in this post

Moreover, we noticed that there is an issue with MacPort installation based Python 3.13. In this case, please downgrade to a previous version (3.12 or 3.11).

Please let us know if this fix your problem.

Best regards, Luigi

Thank you for your reply.

But I still got a strange interface of flair as the same with that post.
And I already checked python version as shown in the figure…
Screenshot 2568-01-20 at 20.03.52

However, I did not get the error results after I run “make install DESTDIR=/path_to_flair/” anymore.

Moreover, I’ve checked installation script follow this website (FLUKA Beginner Online Training (5-16 October 2020): FLUKA and Flair installation check script · Indico)

My result…

Can you check with Python 3.11?

In another post, Python 3.12 was reported not to work:

Thank you for your helps!
Now I can run flair with normal interface, but I still got some problem about the geometry page…

and also can’t run any file with this error.

Hello @nattaporn ,

Have you check that the was created after the compilation of geoviewer?
This file is then copied in the flair folder with the command `make install DESTDIR=.

For the second issue, have you set the FLUKA path in the Flair configuration?

Hope this will help.

Cheers, Luigi