Dear FLUKA experts, I’m trying to design a beam dump and now I have some questions with the Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate.

  1. I set the IRRPROFI card and the DCYTIMES card right and use DOSE-EQ in usebin inorder to calculate the Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate. I want to know what the unit will be for the result ,is it pSv/s or is it pSv/h?
  2. I want know what’s the difference between calculate the DOSE-EQ in usebin with and without IRRPROFI card and the DCYTIMES card? The result seems to be a great difference in the orders.
  3. I find that some researchers calcalculate the flux of PHOTON and Neutron and then use the flux to dose conversion factor to obtain the dose contributed by each proton in each part, and the corresponding dose rate was calculated according to the beam power. I want to know what’s the difference between this way and using DOSE-EQ in usebin directly?
    Many thanks for your help.

Dear @Nicolas_Zhou,

I suggest you to have a look at the lecture on activation from the last Fluka course.

There, you will find the answers to your questions. I only add, about your third question, that if the same conversion coefficients are used, then no difference should be expected.

Dear @amario ,thanks for your advise. I have look at the lecture on activation but i still don’t understand auxscore and what it can do with DOSE-EQ. For example, if I use DOSE-EQ in usebin to calculate the Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate, and then i use an auxscore card and select the “Part” as NEUTRON , dose it mean that the Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate i get will not includu the Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate created by NEUTRON?

You don’t need necessarily to use AUXSCORE to get Ambient Dose Equivalent.

If in your USRBIN you choose to estimate the quantity “DOSE-EQ”, you will obtain the Ambient Dose Equivalent rate using the “AMB74” coefficients (slide 7).
You need an AUXSCORE card only if you want to select a different set of conversion coefficients, see the AUXSCORE card manual.

If you want to know the contribution to a specific quantity give by a specific type of particles, you can also use AUXSCORE. If you select “NEUTRON” as particle, then you will only get the contributions by neutrons.

Dear @amario
I think I understand your words. Thank you very much.