Questions about fluscw.f recording kinetic energy of particles

Dear Fluka experts
I saw a sample code for fluscw.f in a fluka Advanced course pdf, and I don’t understand why it is necessary to determine if the particle type code is greater than 0 (IJ.GT.0) when recording the kinetic energy of a particle, which is only a particle type code. For example, the alpha particle is represented by a number less than 0 in fluka, why for these particles whose code is less than 0, directly let its kinetic energy be 0?

  If you know, hope you can tell me, thank you for your generous answer.

Thank you,

Hi Yongce,

you indeed perfectly hit the point. In this example (based on my work on the muon collider), I do not want to include the alpha particles (nor the heavy ions) in the scoring.

Why? This example was used to show two of the possible capabilities of this user routine:

  1. Applying a weighting factor decided by the user (in my case the kinetic energy of the particles)
  2. Exclude an arbitrary range of particles (in my case all the ones whose ID is below zero)

Keep in mind that the variable E_KIN is a local variable and acts just as weighting factor. Setting it to zero does not have any consequence in the propagation of the particles in the materials.

Based on your needs, you can clearly use similar approaches without excluding alpha particles.
Let me know if you have any further questions!


Dear Daniele Calzolari,
Thank you for your answer, Now I know why you set IJ.GT.0.