Dear colleagues,
in a previous project I was working in, I was using GEANT4 to simulate a large number of events. For each event, I wrote in the output the relevant simulated data, as well as the event number and the status (i.e. the random seeds) of the random-number generator at the very beginning of the event.
At the end of the simulation, I analyzed the event-by-event output that my simulation was producing, and I identified a set of “interesting” events. I was then able to re-simulate them, by setting the status of the random-number generator (i.e. the random seeds) to that corresponding to each “interesting event”. In particular, I find it useful to use intrinsic G4 verbosity (/tracking/verbose 1) to investigate the event itself.
I was even able to modify my G4 application to add verbosity (via cout) and still re-simulate the “interesting events” - specifically, I learned that as soon as the “sequence” of random number extractions in the history was not altered, the same event could be reproduced in this way.
I found this procedure very useful to study specific “rare” events.
Is there any way to do so in FLUKA? I know that, by setting the RANDOMIZ card appropriately, I can reproduce all histories for a given run, but I’d be interested in checking the same for a specific event.
Hi Andrea,
enable through the START card the generation of the random seed file at the beginning of each event (WHAT(5)) and link this usreou.f user routine coded by @cesc that saves it at the end of the each event (but the first) embedding the event number in the random seed file name.
Dear @ceruttif, sorry for late reply.
I tried the code you suggested, and indeed I see that, at the end of the short run I tried, for each event I have a file whose content is similar to the following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
Is it correct that, in order to reproduce this event, I should replace the content of the file ran* with the above lines, and re-launch FLUKA?
I also have another question regarding this - since in my simulation I use an external system to launch on LXBATCH, and the WHAT(2) field of RANDOMIZ is automatically set for each job to a different value, is it possible to get this value inside any of the users routines?
In order to reproduce the event, don’t touch the RANDOMIZ card (leave it as it was in the initial run), rename the random file of interest as ran[INPUT_NAME]002 and launch from the directory containing the latter a simulation (of 1 single primary) starting from cycle 2 (and come back in case of failure ).
The WHAT(2) of RANDOMIZ has to be made available by a core routine. I can pre-compile and upload it based on your gfortran version.
Hi @ceruttif, thanks, I confirm that I can properly re-simulate the event without touching the RANDOMIZ and renaming appropriately the ran* file.
It would be great if you can send me a pre-compiled version of the code where I can get the WHAT(2) of RANDOMIZ. The reason why I’d like to do so is that, in this way, I can save in the output file at the event-level the random-number seeds, and at cycle level WHAT(2). My output file will be self-consistent regarding the possibility of reproducing events.
Rename this object file to rndcrd.o and link it into your FLUKA executable. In your user routines, you will be able to access the WHAT(2) value of RANDOMIZ via the statement:
to be put right after INCLUDE statements. The value is contained in the integer variable ID_RAN.
Dear @ceruttif, thanks, it works! I have two suggestions for the next FLUKA release:
Have the WHAT(2) of RANDOMIZ available by default without linking to the object file you provided me
Be able to access the content of the RANDOM seed file directly within the FLUKA users routines - at this moment, I read it by writing to the disk via START at every event, and then reading it back.