Rfluka.stop / fluka.stop dont work

Dear Fluka experts,

Im running .inp files without using Flair, I saw in a thread here that to force stop a simulation we can create a empty file called rfluka.stop or fluka.stop in the directory where the inp file is located. I created the empty file with “> rfluka.stop” terminal command in ubuntu while the simulation is running. It doesn’t stop whether I created rfluka.stop or fluka.stop files. I wonder whether I have to change some settings in fluka to make it possible?

My input file if required:
In_111.inp (3.0 KB)

Dear Lakshitha,

did you create the (r)fluka.stop file in the fluka_xxxxx directory?


Nope. I created it in the folder where the .inp file I am running.

Dear Lakshitha,

you need to create them in the fluka_xxxxx directories.
