Simulation Error: 'STOP NONSENSE GAS' for High-Density Deuteride Compounds

Good morning everyone,

I need your help with a specific issue. When I set the density of my deuteride compound (for example, titanium deuteride), and it exceeds a certain critical value (around 70 g/cm³ for titanium deuteride), the simulation immediately stops, displaying the error: “Abort called from DPDX reason NONSENSE GAS Run stopped! STOP NONSENSE GAS.” This critical value varies from case to case—for instance, the error occurs at densities close to 1300 g/cm³ for a UD4 compound and at around 1 g/cm³ for a simpler deuterium-only target.

I have read about this type of error on the FLUKA Forum, but I would like to understand more specifically why it occurs in my case. I have attached the .flair and .inp files for reference.

Thank you all in advance for your assistance.
High-density D.flair (3.1 KB)
High-density D.inp (2.3 KB)

Hi Federico,

I am not too familiar with the internals of FLUKA, but these densities look like some extreme states of matter that can’t exist at atmospheric pressure. Even if they might not technically be gasses, I managed to make the WD2 job run through by setting the “gas” pressure to (arbitrary) 13000 atmospheres via the MAT-PROP card. So you should calculate to correct pressure for each material and set it accordingly. I do not know if the results will be physical though.


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Hi Roman,

Thank you very much for your assistance. You have resolved my problem.
