Some doubts about the output of the RESNUCLEI card

Dear fluka experts
Recently, I’ve been using a resnuclei card to record the results of a nuclear reaction with accelerator particle targeting. Here I have a couple of questions.
the unit of reasult is Bq/cm3,dose the reasult normalize to every primary? Dose the results include beam density?

Dear @shusheng,
Please, have a look at slide 28 of the Radioprotection and Activation lecture from the last Beginners’ Course. The answer to your question is there.

Dear @shusheng,

In addition to the material suggested by @amario, you can also consult slides 9-14 of the Activation lecture of the recent RP Topical course:


ok,that is to say, can I understand the end result is the probability of each primary particle reacting with the target multiplied by the irradiation time multiplied by the particle density? If the density is 1particle/s, the result is the probability of the nuclear reaction.

Dear @shusheng,

Not really. The result is an activity.
If you are interested in the production yield (number of nuclides produced per incident primary particle) you don’t have to associate a cooling time to the RESNUCLE scoring, as it is indicated in slide 13 of the above presentation.


Dear @dbozzato
Thanks for you reply. In the pdf, I know the unit of resnucle, but I still have some doubts.
1.When the result unit is nuclide/primary,is the yield of the nuclear reaction, whether the intensity of the beam is also normalized when the result normalized?
2.When the result unit is Bq, is the result normalized? If it is not normalized, how to understand the result, in the experiment, there is no primary.

Dear @shusheng,

Thanks for your questions.

  1. The number of nuclides per primary is the yield (averaged over the scoring region of course). The expression “per primary” has the general meaning of “per source particle”: for instance, for the simple case of a proton beam on target it means “per proton on target”.
  2. Yes, when the output is in Bq, the activities are referring to the cooling time associated via DCYSCORE (and defined by DCYTIMES). In this sense the results are normalized, that is they take into account the irradiation history (irradiation period and beam intensity) that is specified through the IRRPROFI card.

I hope this clarifies your doubts.

Dear @dbozzato ,
Thanks for your patience reply. I figured it out

Dear @amario,
thanks for your link