Stopping the running without completing a cycle

Dear Fluka experts,
Too many particles were set carelessly. Because the calculation time is too long, it is necessary to terminate the calculation file without completing a cycle. Can I still get the result data? If yes, how to operate?

Thank you very much.
Looking forward to your reply.

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Please, first search among the material already available online.

Have a look at slide 24 from the flair lecture from the beginner course.

Dear liuqiongyao,

in Flair you can use the :stop_sign: (STOP) Cycle / :stop_sign: (STOP) Run buttons, to stop the current cycle / whole run while getting the results from the primaries already transported.

Or, if you are running FLUKA from the command line, you can create an empty file called fluka.stop / rfluka.stop in the directory of the FLUKA job to gracefully stop the simulation.



Hi liuqiongyao

Kindly informed I can add a hint, that FLUKA programs have a very good feature. It is in the event that the computer operations were terminated for any reason, whether you terminated it, or the electricity went out, or by the ability to turn off your device, that you will find all the previous cycles data, at the stopping time, in the directory from which you run your program. This sure can be for how used permanent HD not for persons how used the RAMDISK features like me.
In this case, you can likely complete the data process and can then produce your own graphics.
I hope that, the FLUKA Experts Team kindly correct or confirm me.
my regards

Problems solved, thanks!