Strange behaviour while running with DCYSCORE

Dear experts,

I have encountered with a strange error with this input. The simulation is working fine if I turn off the DCYSCORE card with cooling time = 1 * hour, Kind = RESNUCLE. Sometimes, on the card, it is marked as red, if I click on it, then the red color is gone, but the simulation still gives an error.

After inspecting the .out, I could see that the associated cooling time is not registered for the card (see image 2 last line). However, if I turn off this card, and activate the card with 2hour, then the simulation is running properly. The same red mark can be seen on the cooling time = 48hour as well (see image 3).

Can you please check if this is happening at your end too? Or, if I am missing something?


18MeV_p_on_W.flair (6.2 KB)
18MeV_p_on_W.inp (11.6 KB)

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:



Hello Riya,

in the DCYSCORE cards where flair shows an error, it looks like the expression describing the cooling time is being expanded (so 1*hour = 3600 and 48*hour = 172800).

Instead, the cooling time should be selected from the list defined within DCYTIMES cards, as for example (24*hour corresponds to the WHAT(6) of DCYTIMES card):

Maybe this error could come from the fact that you wrote the expression in the DCYSCORE card instead of selecting it from the list itself.
Simply changing the cooling time in the cards which show an error, selecting the corresponding one from the DCYTIMES list, solves any error with the simulation.

Hope this help,

Dear @gmazzola ,

Thank you for the suggestion. I selected the expressions from the list only, and did not write them manually. When I was reopening the input at different times, sometimes the red (or expanded version) was found on 5 hour, sometimes on 48 hours.

However, as you suggested, I clicked them from the list again, and at this moment it seems resolved, no more red mark or the expanded versions.

Thank you once again.

