That’s a simple but also very relevant question, since the averaging over the third dimension (in the Flair Plot tab you mention) may have a major impact.
As for the USRBIN superimposing in Geoviewer, there is no averaging*: the displayed values are the ones corresponding to the selected Y-coordinate.
*[In fact, saying ‘no averaging’ is not fully correct and may be misleading, since the resulting values are anyway averaged over the bin volume, thereby they should not be intended as point-like].
Dear Francesco,
Thank you for your explanations.
Just to make sure I understood it correctly:
For the bin size of
X1: -50cm, X2= 50cm, nx= 10
Y1: -50cm, Y2= 50cm, ny= 10
Z1: -50cm, Z2= 50cm, nz= 10
the displayed superimposed values for X-Z plot and say Y-coordinate=0 are averaged on:
bin_volume= [(\Delta x=10 \times\Delta z=10 ) \timesY:-10~10] cm ^{3}
No. Actually, this is an example showcasing a common mistake in USRBIN settings. Assuming that you have a beam centred at X=Y=0, you should ask for an odd number of bins along symmetric X/Y intervals, so as to have a scoring bin centred at X=Y=0 too, and not four bins touching at X=Y=0.
In your case, the displayed values on the X-Z plot at Y=0 refer to the (0,10) Y-bin.
With the above recipe (i.e., nx=ny=11), you will get instead values referring to the central (-4.5,4.5) Y-bin.
Thank you Francesco,
Now, I understand how it is treated.
However, I was wondering if there could be an option in Flair to select the range of the third dimension when superimposing the USR bin on Geoviewer similar to the plot tab.
Yes, the option in the plot tab does the job; however, in some cases, the geometry is rotated, such as in a synchrotron radiation facility. So the USR bin data needs to be rotated to provide a clear view of the results. By superimposing the USR bin data on the Geoviewer tab, we can rotate the geometry and the corresponding USR bin data together (As shown in the image below).
Of course, I am aware of the ROTPBIN option, but rotating the geometry and USR bin data in Geoviewer offers a faster way to check the results quickly.