The meaning of 1D and 2D projection

Dear FLUKA expert,

The above pictures are my energy deposition with R-phi-Z,the first picture is obviously to see,then I change type to 1D projection,I get the second picture,my question is what the Y-axis represent?it seems not energy.When I use USRBIN to score Triton or Helium,I get same question,what it represent again?
Look forward to your reply.

Dear Xiong,

on the 1D projection plot, by default you get the average value of the bin for a given Z coordinate.
You need to restrict the range of R, or select the “1D Max” projection to get the maximum value.


If you indicate a particle type, the plotted physical quantity is particle FLUENCE (cm^-2), i.e. tracklength density (cm/cm^3), see this beginner training lecture.
If you ask for ENERGY instead, you get the deposited energy density (GeV/cm^3).

I have understand,thank you for your help.

Dear FLUKA expert,
I use USRBIN to plot secondary particles’ fluence and energy,it simulate neutron(0.0253eV) interact with 6LiF,the result is as below:

My question is that if the energy’s unit is GeV,from the first picture and its colorboard,it is up to 1e+6GeV,it is impossible for the reaction,so I do not know what or where is the physic unit.The same question as Fluence.
Look forward to your response.

Dear Xiong,

please see Francesco’s previous post above.


Dear David,
I am sorry for the question,you have answered before I intend to withdraw it.There may be something wrong interrupt my thought.