There's no data in my RESNUCLEi Card

Dear experts,
Hello.! I have been engaged in simulation related to residual radioactivity and have some doubts.
I used RESNUCLEi card associated DCYSCORE card to collect radioactive nuclei during the nuclear action. I also used LOW-MAT and LOW-NEUT card in the view of the neutron energy is below 20 MeV in my case. But the results is really odd. There is no radioactive nuclei produced in Material Water and CH4_Sol (Water is the default material in Fluka, and CH4_Sol is defined by myself),while this situation didn’t occur in other material(Be, V, Cu, Ag_Cu, BPE…).
The .inp file is attached there.
Thanks all.
version8.inp (29.7 KB)

Hi Yongguang,

Sorry for the late reply! I was briefly looking into your problem, let me come back to you with a more complete answer by the end of the day.


Hi again,

First of all, in the current version of FLUKA you don’t really need to set up the LOW-MAT and LOW-NEUT cards as by default with DEFUALT PRECISIO neutron point wise treatment is used for low energy neutrons:
The lack of radioactive isotopes in your simulation setup might be due to the very low primary proton beam energy (13 MeV). When I increased the energy even to 130 MeV, I already started seeing some activation in Water and CH4.
