Transport of particulate matter

Hello dear Expert.
Please I wanted to know which FLUKA card is used to set the particle transport threshold at 100kev.
Then what are the Cart physics and From transport that you will advise me to put in the simulation to evaluate the fluence of secondary neutrons produced by a proton beam in a water ghost.
Thank you for your help

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Dear @bakodeo,

Thanks for your questions.
I will respond you mostly providing links to the last FLUKA Beginners’ Training where you can obtain a good source of information (2022 FLUKA.CERN course - Brussels (16-20 May 2022): Timetable · Indico), and the FLUKA manual (FLUKA Manual — FLUKA Manual).

which FLUKA card is used to set the particle transport threshold at 100kev.

It depends of the particle type, but the cards you need are EMFCUT (for e-, e+ and photons) and PART-THR (for hadrons, muons and ions). See page 31 of

Physics card?

Here you have the link to the manual: 7.22.58. PHYSICS — FLUKA Manual
I think the description of what it does is clear, but let me know if you have any specific doubt.

From transport that you will advise me to put in the simulation to evaluate the fluence of secondary neutrons produced by a proton beam in a water ghost.

It depends on how you want to score the fluence. For example, if you want to score the fluence vs the energy you can use USRTRACK (See or if you want to score the spatial distribution, you could use USRBIN (

Hope this helps,


Thank you very much for your reply
It would help me a lot.

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