Dear FLUKA experts,
my goal is to have a source of monoenergetic photons which is uniformly distributed in a box-like volume and that emits isotropically.
I tried by using the isotropic option in the BEAM card and by setting the desired 2cmx5.08cmx5.08cm volume with the BEAMPOS CART-VOL type, as you can see in the figure:
However, I get this USRBIN photon scoring:
(2D projection over the y axis)
(1D projection over the z axis, the horizontal azis is the z axis)
I would expect a constant fluence between -2.54 and 2.54, right? Am I missing something?
Thank you in advance,
prova sorgente estesa.flair (8.8 KB)
prova sorgente estesa.inp (8.8 KB)