Units of ETRACK from BXDRAW?

Dear FLUKA experts,

with the essential help of some of you I could modify and compile mgdraw_empty.f to write the phase-space coordinates of protons crossing the border between two regions in ASCII files. The suggested code inserted in the modified user routine, which I attach here, includes writing ETRACK, which I read in the FLUKA manual should be the particle energy. However, the number I obtain for propagation of, e.g., 100 MeV protons in vacuum is 1.0382723100000000E+00. In which units is it? Or even, is it legitimate to write ETRACK from inside BXDRAW?

Thank you in advance for your replies,

mgdraw_test.f (10.2 KB)

ETRACK is the total energy (= particle mass + kinetic energy) in GeV.
To directly get the kinetic energy, you can write instead
(if JTRACK >= -6).

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Ah right, kinetic plus the about 938 MeV of rest energy for protons… didn’t think of it! :man_facepalming:

Thank you once again, Francesco!

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