Use of EMFCut Card

Dear FLUKA Experts,

I am doing a simulation trying to simulate energy deposited in Water Phantom by 6 MeV LINAC x-rays. For this I tried to use EMF card to reduce the time for simulation. Without EMFCUT card my simulation time was 13 hrs for 10^8 particles but when I introduced EMFCUT card in my simulation and set transport and production threshold my simulation time increased to 17 hrs. Kindly guide me what is happening? My flair file is attached here.
Linac6.flair (4.5 KB)

Dear Anum,

in your Flair project, you set the EMF cutoff energies to 10 keV instead of the default 100 keV. Lower energy thresholds require more time to simulate.


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Thanks a lot for correction.