USRBIN Strange 3D view Pattern

Hi Dear Experts,
During my attempt to get energy deposition map of a Co-60 source on NaI Detector at distance of 4cm with 100000 primary for 5 cycle to check the detector response, i got strange energy deposition 3D view of USRBIN as given below.

NAI.inp (2.7 KB)

NAI.flair (3.6 KB)

Dear Zeenat,

while I could not reproduce the same plot with your Flair project file, it seems to me that it doesn’t show the energy deposition, but the statistical uncertainty of the scoring.


Dear Expert David Horvath,
can you tell me about the error ? and how i will resolve the issue ?
Kindly, let me explain.
Secondly, For normalization i have followed; 1000000*5= 5000000, Am i write for the normalization or anything else ?

Dear Zeenat,

You probably accidentally ticked the errors box in the plot settings (see picture below). This will plot the statistical uncertainty of the bins and not their value.

For normalization, you don’t have to put anything. In that case, you will get the results in the FLUKA defaults (per primary most of cases). You can put the real intensity/activity of the source, to get values comparable to reality. However, it doesn’t make any sense to use the number of primaries as normalization, since that doesn’t have any physical meaning.



A post was split to a new topic: How to calculate detector efficiency from energy deposition?