Voxel file + Combinatorial geometry


I have an issue with a voxel file I am using:

I created a voxel file, air_LeftHand.vxl, from the text file leftArmArray_X_7.90_Y_11.30.txt.

In the file leftHand.flair, the voxel file seems to be read correctly and appears in the geometry tab as intended. However, when I launch a run, I get the following error:

I cannot find the source of this error in my files.

N.B: the only thing I have noticed is the creation of fort.1* files when creating the .vxl file with the message:
“WARNING: The environment variable FLUKADATA is not set
Maybe you are not using the standard rfluka script.”
But I did check the FLUKADATA variable:
which fluka->/usr/local/fluka/bin/fluka
/usr/local/fluka/bin/fluka-config --data → /usr/local/fluka/data
fort.11.txt (292 Bytes)
createVxl.txt (84 Bytes)
leftHandTubeAl.flair (6.4 KB)

Additionally, I would like to know if it is feasible to replace some voxels in the air with a material. For example, in the file leftHandTubeAl.flair, I am trying to add a combinatorial aluminium tube, but it intersects with some parts of the voxel geometry (only in the air). Is this feasible?

histogram_114kVp_HVL_5.48mmAL_Sampling_0.8keV.txt (1.6 KB)
leftArmArray_X_7.90_Y_11.30.txt (3.8 MB)
leftHand.flair (6.1 KB)
source_newgen.f (18.8 KB)
write_leftHand.f (1.6 KB)

Hi @prodesch
a few mistakes that could explain your problem:

  1. The VOXELS card should be exactly after the GEOBEGIN
  2. You cannot use the $start_transform / $end_transform around the VOXELS card
  3. The voxel filename length should be limited to 10 characters

Finally for the WARNING: The environment variable FLUKADATA is not set
I would guess you are not submitting the run using the rfluka script but you call directly the fluka binary?

Hello @vasilis ,

Thank you for the answers!

  1. The problem has been fixed, I was wondering for the vxl filename, can a linux symbolic link be used to have a length<10 characters ?

  2. The fort files were generated when executing the program to generate the vxl file with the following output (chronologically ordered):
    (cf screenshot attached for details)

  3. Concerning the second part of my post, is is possible to define a geometrical structure over a voxel volume (only in the air part). In the figure and files attached, we can see at the intersection of the tube and voxel area something is happening.

    source_newgen.f (18.8 KB)
    histogram_114kVp_HVL_5.48mmAL_Sampling_0.8keV.txt (1.6 KB)
    leftHand_TubeAl.flair (6.4 KB)
    leftAF.vxl (3.4 MB)

  1. symbolic link: I never tried it but I guess it will work
  2. FLUKADATA message: Warning message is generated from the line CALL CMSPPR. i. is harmless in this case ii. I don’t believe you need that line at all in your program
  3. Combine VOXELS and CSG: Unfortunately this is not possible with the present version of the code. This is something we have in our Todo list for the future.