Where to find statistical/percentage errors of region based scoring

Dear all,

Could someone kindly guide me as to where I can locate the percentage errors for a region based score like energy deposition? If I naturally run for more than 1 cycle I get 5 outputs with the energy deposition value (5 fort files)…but where do I find the error please?

Ryan Paul

Dear Ryan,

after merging the .fort files, you can convert the .bnn to an ASCII format to access the numerical results (see slide 15 from this lecture)


Dear David,

Thanks for your reply! I am aware of merging bnn files and converting to ASCII. As i underdstand, this is normally done for mesh based scoring in USRBIN (like X-Y-Z etc…). However in my case i do not care about the distribution but rather would like a single evaluated quantity, which is why I opted for REGION in USRBIN.

Now it seems i cannot post process these REGION bnn files like the rest. Converting each one to ASCII just gives me the calculated value ( which is what I want) but without the statistical error (which is alsonwhat I want).

Any further commenrs regarding this please?

Ryan Paul

Dear Ryan,

There shouldn’t be any issue converting the .bnn files containing REGION type scoring to ASCII.
Could you share your input files for a closer look?
