Wood simulation

Dear experts,

I would like to include the wooden door in the simulation. I am simulating electrons up to 20 MeV. What do you suggest?

Cheers and thank you advance.


Dear @mvolpi,

“Wood” is a very broad term, as different wood have different chemical composition. Additionally, there are on the market “special radiation shielding doors”. What is also relevant, is the precision that it is necessary to you.
I would suggest to find out the “details” of the doors you want to simulate, search if a chemical composition is available and implement it. Otherwise, you can just take an average composition you can find online (wikipedia offers you one). Last, if you’re going to perform some radiation protection studies, you could even leave the door “empty” and take the results as a worst case scenario.

Dear Amario,

I have already asked the contractors for details about the door. So far, I have conducted two simulations: one without the door as you suggested, and the second assuming a density of 500Kg/m3. In the second simulation, I treated the door as concrete divided by a factor of 5, since concrete is five times denser. I was just wondering if a package for this scenario is already available.

Thank you very much for your consistently helpful support.


Dear @mvolpi,

I’m not sure that in general concrete is a good placeholder for wood. While it can of course work in your case, I cannot say for sure. I can only make two general remarks.

Clearly, concrete composition can be quite different depending on the specific concrete, nevertheless the main components are oxygen and silicon, with a small amount of carbon. The main components of wood instead are carbon and oxygen with a small amount of silicon.

The density of concrete is around 2300 Kg/m3. The density of wood spans between 300 and 800 Kg/m3. This means that while ratio you choose is in the right ballpark, there might be some fluctuations.

Dear @mvolpi !

You can find a good amount of various materials in this Compendium, as well as wood on the page №268. Pay attention to the comments and reference there. Also, as Mr. @amario said, you should be careful defining wood as concrete with lower density, as it is different in composition. In general, the best way is to know the composition and density from you real situation and if no information available to find the closest material in Compendium or related references.

Best wishes,

Dear Ivan and Amario,

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

