Ytterbium and Thulium absence in LOW-MAT card

I can’t understand why it shows 4-1.1. I did all installation instructions for presented here (I’m using Ubuntu):

Also in Flair configuration dialogue I set the right paths to fluka and rfluka. Only problem is that when I running command make install DESTDIR=/usr/local/fluka process aborting with error “No rule to make target `install’”.

Dear Sergey,

the make install ... command is only used when you are compiling FLUKA from the source. This is not available for the “binary library” packages, but you can copy those by hand at any time.

Likely, you still have FLUKA in the /usr/local/fluka directory, and the newer versions are in a different location.


I’ve fully deleted the old versions. Here is the content of Version.tag file from newly installed /usr/local/fluka folder:

Version: 4-3.4
Date: 2023-09-29 14:32:26 +0000
MD5: 05ac4aa678b59e534a18fa024edad225
SHA256: 9abf3ff48ac277e882ced5ae3001c7f61c809be7

Dear Sergey,

By any chance, are you using an mgdraw.f user routine and forgot to recompile your executable?


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Yes, that was the reason. Now program finishing OK. But now the problem is that there is not created _fort.72 file. What is the reason ? Here is mgdraw file.

mgdraw.f (10.2 KB)

Since your last post has nothing to do with “Ytterbium and Thulium absence in LOW-MAT card”, it would be better to close this thread and create a new one dedicated to your mgdraw problem.
It would be ease the searchability of the forum.

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While fully agreeing with the sensible recommendation above, let me add that the creation of the new thread can be profitably spared by noticing that in mgdraw you are presently selecting reactions induced by protons (JTRACK.EQ.1) and therefore it’s pretty natural that no output is produced for a problem featuring 7 MeV photons (JTRACK.EQ.7).