Defining a beam through a USRBIN output

Dear FLUKA users,

I am using FLAIR and trying to define the spatial characteristics of a beam through a USRBIN .bnn output file. I have read the SPECSOUR/BIN-SOUR card and the following posts: 1, 2, yet some things still remain unclear. Can you please explain how to correctly apply the BIN-SOUR card? If interested, to test the SPEC-SOUR card I took the following steps:

After generating my USRBIN file (for ENERGY deposition), I created an exact copy of my flair project. Then I removed any BEAM and BEAMPOS information but kept the primary type. Geometry, material definition, sourcing etc were all kept the same. I used the OPEN card to read the generated USRBIN file and added the respective file unit to SPEC-SOUR.

As a second question, is it possible in FLUKA/FLAIR to read real experimental data of absorbed energy and generate beam information? If so, any help on how this can be done, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Dear Fitilis,

silde 36 and 37 of this lecture

discusses the USRBIN source option, and provides an example.

As your second question, I don’t understand what do you mean by generating beam information using absorbed energy. Could you elaborate?


Dear Horváth,

Thank you for the quick reply. I followed the steps you mentioned and there are still errors. Here is what I did
Screenshot from 2022-02-09 20-28-28

Screenshot from 2022-02-09 20-28-45
I created a USRBIN file in unit 53 and then opened it via the OPEN card. Geometry, materials and scoring were kept the same.

Regarding my second question, we have a material that has absorbed a certain amount of dose through a beam. Is it possible to translate the experimental data (amount of dose absorbed in different points of said material) to a .bnn file and have Fluka extract the beam profile that was used?

Thank you for your time,

Dear Fitilis,

Without knowing what the actual error message is, it’s not possible to determine the problem. Could you upload your .flair project files for both steps?

In theory it would be possible to create a .bnn file from measured data, but I’m not aware if such a tool exists. Maybe it would be easier to use a source routine to sample from data.


Dear Horváth,

Of course, here are the two .flair projects. They are a simple case of an electron beam passing through radiochromic films. RFC.flair is the one I use to generate the USRBIN file and RFC_OPEN.flair is the one with the OPEN card that results in error.

RCF.flair (4.1 KB)
RCF_OPEN.flair (4.2 KB)

Thank you for taking the time,

Dear Fitilis,

The error message (which is located in the .err file) in your case is:

Abort called from SOUBIN reason Not enough memory to load USRBIN Run stopped!

Which means, you need to reduce the total number of bins in the USRBIN scoring you are using as a source.
Alternatively you can increase the allocated memory using a GLOBAL card with the Memory option set to ~1.5e8.


Dear Horváth,

It worked using the GLOBAL card. I will keep that in mind next time. Thank you so much!

Best regards,