FLUKA 4-4.1 is installed on my Windows 11 Pro workstation in a WSL shell. Since the latest Flair update 3.3-1, I often experience a never-before-seen issue: it starts with a warning message that pops up saying that the project file has changed–see the example screenshot below–and, after that, any run within the same project results in:
(a) empty progress bars and “Running 0 out of 10” bottom message even though run files are being created in the project folder,
(b) failure to process created files (data merging) with the message “No files were created”,
(c) failure to clean created files (yellow message “0 run files removed with warnings”).
After that, if I close Flair, restart it from the WSL shell, and reload the project, data merging of the files is done successfully (without running the simulation again!). Also, cleaning of the run files is done without problems, as if Flair re-attaches to the created files.
Could it be a bug? I upload the latest project with which I experienced the issue. Thanks in advance for your help.
thank you very much for testing it. Unfortunately, I cannot run it in a non-shared Windows folder. The problem is that the issue does not appear every time I run a simulation. For instance, if I open the project and run the simulation, no issue. However, if I run it, change parameters, run it again, change other things etc., then the issue is likely to appear. This has never happened with the previous verisons of Flair.
Dear @enrico.nic
I cannot reproduce it on my linux. I would guess the it is due to the following reasons:
The space " " in the file name. Normally in linux space will be accepted but I am not sure how it will behave under WSL from windows.
Possible time or location settings problem on your computer and the writing disk. flair is using extensively the time and time-stamp of the files to detect if they are new, modified or older than the sources
thank you very much for testing it. I will try with no spaces in the file name – should be without spaces also the folder name where the file is located? I guess so.
Regarding point 2, I’m clueless about why that could have happened. Besides regular Windows updates, the system hasn’t been modified with respect to when I was using the previous versions of flair.
I removed spaces both in filename and in foldername. The same issue comes up.
Trying to address out-of-sync I also used the command sudo hwclock -s before launching flair, however the changed-project message warning showed up again and after some seconds the simulation stopped: progress bars not moving, files removed with warnings on cleaning attempt, etc.
I haven’t used FLUKA this week. However, in other two or three simulations run after this post of mine I had the same issue of modified-project message kept showing up from time to time asking to load the modified one. This time I chose always to say not to load it and the simulation did not stop. I don’t know if it was a lucky case or a way to avoid the stop.
If this workaround actually works, it would be very good.
I believe that your problem is related to the file system management. I fear that reaching a precise diagnosis would be very difficult and would require deep knowledge of how the file system is managed between native Windows and WSL.
I assume this is not the answer you were looking for.
Thus the best guess is that something changed in Windows/WLS rather than in flair, isn’t it? It’s however strange that apparently all started after the latest flair update. I checked the version of Ubuntu under WLS and it is 22.04.5, apparently the latest available in the Microsoft Store. I also post a screenshot of my WSL version, maybe someone can suggest something to try.
I will keep this post updated with what happens in future runs. Thank you for now.
I observed the behaviour of a message box suggesting to reload the project since much longer, at least a year or two. I also have a WSL installation of Ubuntu 22. Ignoring the msg box is the safest bet, although you may loose the progress indicators in flair.
Thomas @totto
thank you for your feedback! Then it’s strange that I observe now this behavior. My WSL installation is Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS. Is your flair updated to the latest version? In your experience, how to understand the simulation has ended when loosing the progress indicators?
Thank you Thomas, I meant how to understand when it is time to process data. Excuse me, I don’t understand what “emit a top-command” means.
Regarding the timestamps thing, the last time I simulated in FLUKA I first issued a sudo hwclock -s command, but it seemed not to change things.