Fluka stopped in Lowset error

Hello, after running my file in Flair, I’m getting the following errors in the .out file:

n ****
**** f_Fano = 9.779E+00, Z_Fano = 4.000E+00 ****
**** Nuclear finite size effects requested and implemented ****

**** Isotope tabulation data start at location 10225439 and end at 10292168 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Non analog absorption factors start at location 10292171 and end at 10292280 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Biased downscattering factors start at location 10292283 and end at 10292392 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Non analog absorption group limits start at location10292393 and end at 10292447 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Biased downscattering group limits start at location10292448 and end at 10292502 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Cut-off group limits start at location 10292503 and end at 10292557 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Lower Weight Window limits start at location 10292559 and end at 10292668 (I*4 addr.) ****

**** Fluka stopped in Lowset: undefined atomic density for the low en. xsec mat. corresponding to the Fluka comp. mat. n. 36 ****

I’m not sure how to fix this.

Thanks in advance,

snre_simple_source_v2_stage2.flair (10.9 KB)
snre_simple_source_v2_stage2.inp (12.7 KB)

Dear Emma,

The issue was caused by a typo. A LOW-MAT card was assigned to compound Mcspt, instead of the Mcplt element.

After fixing the issue get the error you reported in Abort called from DPDX reason NONSENSE GAS/PRESSURE Run stopped!
