Dear experts,
When I am runing an input used for scoring the alpha dose of dicom with TPSSCORE and RAD-BIOL cards, I get an error code 2. How can I solve it?
If I score the dose without TPSSCORE and RAD-BIOL cards, it ok.
The beam parameters are produced by RTPlan.
Dear user,
it is impossible to give any advise on your problem if you don’t share you’re entire inputfile.
Please upload your .flair file.
Dear experts @amario
Thank you for your advise, I upload the input file and flair file as follows. The dicom can not be uploaded for too big size.
p.flair (4.5 KB)
p.inp (3.5 KB)
RBEmax.dat (3.9 KB)
RTPlan_RP1.2.826.0.1.3680043.10.1049.20231201005727192552_beam1.flair (207.1 KB)
RTPlan_RP1.2.826.0.1.3680043.10.1049.20231201005727192552_beam1.inp (220.3 KB)
Thanks for making it available, even privately (through the personal message function of this forum), via some accessible link.
Dear @ceruttif
Thank you for your help, but I haven’t found the personal message function.
Thanks a lot for this helpful crash report and for all the material privately sent.
This is a bug triggered by biological dose scoring. The due fix will be made publicly available with the upcoming major release in the first quarter of 2024.