Dear Ken,
sorry for the late reply.
I understand from your first post that you aim to score the LET in a specific region of the VOXEL geometry you are importing in FLUKA using USRYIELD
. To do so, you would like to cut the specific region with a plane such that you can define the two neighbour regions needed for the USRYIELD
As the idea is correct, the problem is that at the moment you cannot make intersection/subtraction operations between the voxel body and other bodies, as reported also in the past link. Therefore you cannot cut your voxel region with a plane.
Other approaches in scoring LET relies on the use of the combination of USRBIN results with fluscw.f routine. You can find a description of this use in link1 and link2. This might help you to have a first estimate of the LET in the region you are interested.
Hope this help,