JEFF-3.3 runtime error

Dear fluka experts,

I downloaded and installed the fluka library JEFF 3.3. I used the .deb file. I am running a simulation with 1 primary and this error apears:

ERROR: could not load neutron cross section for isotope Z=1 A=1 m=0
Abort called from KHPNLOAD reason Error loading neutron cross section for isotope Run stopped!
STOP Error loading neutron cross section for isotope

I am also using a LOW-WPXS card. (default). I provide my input file. What is going wrong? The /flukapath/data/neutron/JEFF 3.3 is installed, i can access it.
reactpr new.inp (105.6 KB)

Dear Vasilis,

try to use an empty LOW-PWXS card without the default option selected.


Dear David,

I used an empty LOW-PWXS card but the error persists. Here are the files
reactpr new001.err (218 Bytes)
Ardi433001.log (175 Bytes)

reactpr new001.out (646.7 KB)

Dear Vasilis,

it looks like an issue with access rights/file location.

I would uninstall the deb package of the neutron library, and reinstall it using the tar file at the actual FLUKA directory (not in the /flukapath/… pseudo location)


I thought that was the real location.

How can I find the real location of Fluka?

Dear Vasilis,

the default location is /usr/local/fluka, but you can find the actual directory with the following command:

which fluka
