Missing fluka_src_converter.py

Hi all,

I have recently installed FLUKA (version 2024.1.0 and FLAIR version 2.3). Based on another forum (Problem with fluka_src_converter.py) there is supposed to be a FLUKA source .f file converter, that can convert an old source .f file to be compatible with the newer version of FLUKA. I do not see this python converter anywhere in the installation, when I download the latest version of FLUKA, I still do not see this file.

Can someone provide the conversion script? My old source.f file is no longer working on the newer FLUKA installation, and I am struggling to install an older version of FLUKA …

I really appreciate your help,

The FLUKA versions supported here and including in the bin directory the mentioned converter (that applies to user routines preceding July 2020) are distributed at fluka.cern, where FLUKA 4-4.1 has been released two days ago. The respective Flair version (3.3-1) can be found at flair.cern.
This clarification may also help.

Hi Francesco!

Thank you, I did not realize that the fluka.org and cern FLUKA versions have different things included in them. Now, I have installed the CERN version and found the python converter script. However, it does not appear to work, upon visual inspection of the converted scripts, there is no change made to the file. In the Ubuntu terminal it simply states “Converting: nameofsourcefile.f” and then that’s it. I attached the source.f file I would like to convert.
lwfasource2.f (7.9 KB)

Does the conversion script work for all source.f files?


Dear Arpad,
your source routine does not require any conversion, being already compatible with the respective FLUKA version, that’s why the script makes no change to the file.

Dear Francesco,

Thank you for your quick response! When I am trying to compile the source.f file, I get the following error “Can’t open included file ‘(DBLPRC)’”. After reading another forum (Source routine - Error: Can’t open included file ‘(DBLPRC)’), I thought I also had the error of using the old source file format …

I have been using this source.f file and it worked before on another computer, but on the new FLUKA installation I keep getting this error.

Thanks again,

I just compiled your source routine file with no issue.
By the way, no ‘(DBLPRC)’ file is invoked inside it, so the error you report can’t be related to the file you uploaded.
If you compile/link the latter against FLUKA 4-4.1, you should get no error.