RT-planning example using Fluka

I am a beginner and I am looking for a tutorial video or any example about RT planning using Fluka
Thanks in advance

Hi @saed
unfortunately there is no available tutorial. Briefly you have to do the following

  1. collect all DICOM files, preferably in a subfolder and even divided in subfolders for better organization.
    You need to have at least the following modalities:
  • CT scan
  1. Open flair
  2. Start a new flair project based on the voxel template
  3. Go to the Dicom tab of flair. If not visible you can find it on the drop down menu on top-right
  4. Click on Add and select the folder with all dicom files. You can optionally increase the depth from 1 to 2 or 3 depending on the nesting of the subfolders. Do not exaggerate, it can take time
  5. Select all the dicoms you want and click Ok
  6. Click on the CT: scan dataset then click on the Voxel on the ribbon, and finally click on the VOXEL to create the voxel file
  7. Click on the Card to update the VOXELS card of your input
  8. Select the RTDOSE: dataset. and click on the Card to insert the relevant USRBINs
  9. Select the RTPLAN dataset, Click on the RTPlan and button and then on the Create
  10. You are now ready to run. Edit the input to put the number of primaries you want and click Run
  11. When the run is finished process the Data as usual
  12. Go again to the Dicom tab, select the RTDOSE you added in the input.
  13. Click on the RTViewer, then load the USRBIN file you calculated, set the proper normalization and select the corresponding ROI to plot the DVH
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