Two-step scintillation luminescence simulation

Dear fluka experts,
I have been read some post in forum about scintillation luminescence simulation (Simulating scintillation response). So I basically know that the OPT-PROP card is mainly used to define the optical properties of the material.

But, for neutrons, such as n + 3He → p + t, then p and t excite the scintillation material to emit light. What kind of processes should be used to simulate this process to get light yield, spectra, energy deposition, neutron detection efficiency.

Hope you can provide some ideas.

Thanks in advance

Dear Jianqi Chen,

FLUKA regardless of optical photon production is capable of modeling the neutron capture process that you describe. As a starting point you could consult the relevant section of the manual.

Then, you can use an OPT-PROD card to activate the production of scintillation light in your scintillating material. As a result, some fraction of the energy deposited is converted to optical photon which are tracked by FLUKA. In you case, this energy would be deposited by the charged fission products.

Dear Benoit,
Thank you for your advice, There are some details I still want to ask.

That is, in the simulation process, I do not have to deliberately distinguish the neutron capture process and the energy deposition of p and t in the scintillator leading to the luminescence of the scintillator. You know what I mean is I just put the scintillator and He3 together, turn on the OPT-PROD, define the neutron source, run and finally place the detector in the specific location to record the photon information?

I don’t know if that’s what the simulation looks like? Thanks again for your answers.

Dear Jianqi Chen,

I am not sure I fully understand the question, but the production of optical photons via scintillation is independent of the physical process driving the energy deposition. The average number of photon produced is always proportional to the energy deposited in material declared as scintillators using the OPT-PROD card.

Then, as for details of your model including the source, geometry, physics, and what you wish to score: it’s really up to you. But you have guessed properly that it is possible to score optical photons in FLUKA.

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Dear Benoit,
Thank you for your Reply, I will try it.

Dear Benoit,
Thank you for your advice again, actually, I have been did some simulation according to your advice, but I meet some questions. May be you can see that in A funny question about the scintillation simulation.